Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rethinking Secular

I am listening to Disturbed right now. Not exactly "Christian" music. But somehow, in spite of the lack of direct praise to God, it is possible for me to pull some level of understanding about God and humanity from this secular album. The song released to radio a month or so ago, Inside the Fire, goes into the aftermath of suicide. Satan is trying to convince this guy to follow his girlfriend and end the "pain" of life.

Devon lies beyond this portal
Take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
Release your life
To begin another time with her
End your grief with me
There's another way
Release your life
Take your place inside the fire with her

How is it that this secular band can understand the way Satan works much better than most Christians do? The enticing call to give up grief and sorrow and join her again resonates not only with those who do not know Christ. I do not believe that a Christian who, for whatever reason, takes their own life is condemned for it. Christ bought my life and my death with His blood, and my mistakes or efforts cannot rip me from Him.
Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I am secure in my knowledge that Christ is not so willing to let me go as I am willing to let myself go. The prize that He bought by His death on the cross is worth, in His eyes (and sometimes in mine), every moment of agony and drop of blood.

Just a word, to all those who have ever, or will ever consider suicide. Satan is good, very good, at what he does. He is relentless and cunning. But he is also a liar. The deceptions he raises in front of our eyes to blind us to his real goal, the downfall or at least inhibition of our testimony, are painful and often seem to make sense. The attacks Satan makes upon our faith, our family, our lives are just there to get us wondering. "What if God cannot love me because of...? What if no one would even notice I was gone? What is there here for me? Why stay?"
Let me answer. He loves you anyway. We would. Alot. God has a plan for you.
"Thank you Mr. I-Got-It-All-Figured-Out, big help. It isn't that simple. "
Actually it is. It is incredibly simple, in contrast to the extreme complexity of the questions. Go ahead and reason it out in your mind.

The only way God could love you, in spite of all you have done is for Him to love no matter what. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He loved us when we were set against Him, how much more will He love when we seek His face.

For the last three questions, there are lives to be touched, no matter how insignificant and small. Just ask those who are close to you, and if no one is close to you then you should know exactly what to do. God did not place us on this earth to be alone. He gave us people to interact with and influence. Maybe you are not good with talking to people, maybe you need some external influence. Go to your church and become a greeter. Teach Sunday School to five year olds. Sign up for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. I worked in a benevolence ministry for seven years. I was affected in countless ways and can only hope that I helped someone along the way. A Christian alone is a Christian who is vulnerable.

I cannot begin to answer the questions you may have in your mind. But I can answer the biggest question of all. There is hope. And peace. Despite whatever circumstances, whatever pressure and stress put on you. Our God is the God who saves. It may not be in our timing, or in our expected way, but God shows up. The fact that I can write this now is my proof. He has rescued me innumerable times, and He will keep me safe and saved.

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