Tuesday, December 11, 2012

six months again

it seems like it was yesterday
you and i in conversation
but mainly me talking
you listening as only God can.
i told you i wanted six months
three years ago, almost
you answered and changed me
changed where i was and what i did.
im back here now but differently
i still want those six months
but instead of an ultimatum for you
i want this to be a challenge for me.
make me better, make me more
make me into who i need to be
make me patient and humble
make me glimpse your five year plan
make my heart care less about me
make my job be a path not a climb
make my work be a means not an end
make me more like you
make me less like who i have been
make me get out of your way.
i know i don't have the ability
but i do know i have the words
six months, Giver of Gifts
six months, King of Heaven
six months, my Lord and God
six months to see your glory
change my life once again.

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