Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It seems,
that in my attempt to
begin again, I find myself
unable to move
to think, progress
and so I step away.

It is easy to forget
in the moment
in the busy
in the chaos
in the energy that consumes my day,
sometimes connecting with God
is less about finding the time
and more about losing
more about letting me go
more about less of this
less of that
less of that thing I spend every day trying to achieve
less of me.

And so it is easy to stay busy,
to immerse myself into the void of crowd and noise
to revel in the mud
to spend my time looking down
instead of up.

And so I try to restart,
try to overcome
to compensate
to feel on my own that which I am incapable of doing.
To try to claw my way back to the cross
all on my own
not out of shame
but out of anxiety
out of missing out on You.



So here I go.

Lord, I can be an idiot. Scratch that. I am an idiot a lot of the time. So I am going to get back to writing. Because that is how I open up and get out all the stuff that I think about all the time. Its how I sit at the cross and look at the sky. So I will try to do this a lot more often.

1 comment:

M. Arnold said...

I'm glad you're restarting. I love your words and thoughts. And I've missed reading them here...